Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Bonnie's Fam
So, since this is the week of introducing ourselves, let me introduce you to my family.

Are y'all watching Parenthood on Tuesday nights? Ok, take out all the weed and you've basically got the gist of my family. A big, loving crew, all up in each other's business (in the best way), running into each other at random houses all the time, occasionally chasing possums (well, armadillos, and that was a long time ago, but still), something constantly baking somewhere... maybe the make-up's not exactly one-to-one, but if you want to know what it feels like to be part of my family, watch Parenthood. Or if, like me, you're still mourning Six Feet Under and Gilmore Girls. It's pretty much the cure-all.

My immediate family? I'm married with a couple of dogs - Sadie and Miles. They're sweet little devil-dogs who generally work together to drive me nuts until I'm about ready to strangle them (most recent example? I bought Sadie a pricey new comfortable bed, which she slept on for two nights, then on the third day gutted all of the stuffing from - now she acts like I'm so mean to make her sleep on the nearly flat cover), then give me those patented puppy-dog faces that I can never hold a grudge against.

I mean, how could you stay mad at this?


Blogger Emily T said...
After I read this I went to hulu and watched parenthood. ( And I probably laughed harder at the pot smoking elementary school scene than it warranted. But I kept picturing your family and it became this absurdest moment of hilarity that I am still chuckling about.

Blogger Jenny said...
I love that show! Also, Sadie looks like a mini Linus and that picture pretty much turned my heart into melted butter.

Blogger Bonnie said...
That one's actually Miles, but I had to use that picture because it kills me every time.

And because Sadie's SO pitch black that it's nearly impossible to capture her on camera. I was going to use a picture of her all tucked into bed with me last night, but it came out looking like I was sleeping next to a very peaceful black hole.