Monday, March 29, 2010
Gone Quackers!
This post is coming to you a late (hey, its still Monday) because I have been quite busy today. I was in the yard all day working on a surprise for Emily's little girls (Emily knows I am up to something but not what exactly I am doing). During my adventures today I came face to face with my own insanity.

In order to explain I need to provide some back story. We live in a quaint little community with several ponds throughout the neighborhoods. All the ponds are inhabited with catfish, trout, crayfish, snakes, and of course DUCKS.

So, while in the yard working on my surprise I kept hearing a random duck quack. I live near-ish a large pond and I assumed a duck had wandered in the yard. The quacking would happen at random intervals for short periods. As you learned in my previous post we have two crazy dogs and I was afraid of what would happen if they found the duck before I did. All day I would randomly hear quacking. I would search the front, back, and side yards. Nothing, zilch, zero. Over the course the day I went duck hunting 6 times.

Finally, I was heading in for a break around 5pm. I grabbed my cell phone and headed into the house. I looked down and had 6 missed calls which was curious because the phone hadn't rung at all. While I was pondering the curious case of the missed calls the phone rang- or should I say QUACKED!

Yep, that's right. All day I was running around like a crazy woman looking for an imaginary duck. Somehow, the ringer on my phone had been changed to a quacking sound. No one has claimed responsibility but I suspect Al Qaeda. A new tactic to drive us mad one by one.

Blogger Emily T said...
Shouldn't it be Al-Quacka?

Blogger Bonnie said...
This post has been making me giggle all day.

Blogger Jenny said...
Very punny Emily!