Monday, March 15, 2010
I am fascinated by compulsive hoarders. I don't know why. I think its because I lover order, cleanliness, and generally don't have sentimental attachments to possessions.

I consider myself an understanding and intelligent person but I do not relate to this disease in any way. I sit weekly with my mouth gaping open completely befuddled watching Hoarders on A&E. Now, TLC has introduced a new show called Hoarding: Buried Alive. I am not sure I can take it!

The great thing about Hoarders on A&E is when the junk hauling trucks, a team of hired hands, the professional certified organizer (I should TOTALLY be one of those), and the therapist help the hoarder clean out their house and work through their issue all in the course of a weekend. Now, I realize that this seems unrealistic and someone with such a severe problem probably can't solve it all in one weekend of intense cleaning.

So, last night I watched Hoarding: Buried Alive on TLC for the first time. They focused more on the mess and less of the clean up. They showed the incremental progress each hoarder made over the course of 6 months. I was disappointed. This certainly seems like a more realistic approach to solving the hoarders problem. However, as a viewer I don't get those dramatic and satisfying before/after shots that make me breath a sigh of relief.

On a completely different note what's up with TLC totally ripping of A&E? During Hoarding: Buried Alive they were advertising their new show Addicted which appears to be a carbon copy of A&E's Intervention. Now, I know that losing John and Kate Plus 8 must have been quite a hit to TLC's ratings but that's no excuse for being unoriginal. Nobody likes a copy cat TLC!

So to recap:

Hoarders on A&E: Entertaining and satisfying for the viewer but probably not as effective at treating the disease.

Hoarders: Buried Alive on TLC: Unsatisfying for the viewer but seems like a more realistic approach to the disease.

Note to TLC: Lock your programming executives and creative team into a room with lots of coffee and Red Bull. Don't let them out until they think of something new and innovative to put on TV.

I wonder if there is treatment for people who compulsively watch (and blog) about compulsive hoarders. Sign me up for that show!


Blogger Kristen said...
So I've seen the A&E show before, well, a few times actually. I feel kind of 'eh' about it. It stresses me out. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Intervention. I watch that EVERY week!

So, all TLC airs now are shows about: little people, overweight people, or people with a bazillion kids. The hubby and I joke around about what TLC's new show is going to be: The Fat Little Chick Having 15 Babies. Why not combine all of their shows into 1? That was so wrong of me...

Blogger Unknown said...
I watch the A&E show and it scares me because my 4 year old has been diagnosed with OCD and hoarding. We have no idea where she got it from and are helping her with treatment so she doesn't get like those on the shows.

Blogger Jenny said...
Kristen, that sounds like a carnival side show. It would only be better if she had a two headed cow as a pet.

Casey, you should watch the TLC version. They focus more on the treatment less on the cleaning.

Blogger Unknown said...
If they make a show like Kristen described and the two headed cow as a pet, I might watch!