Friday, March 26, 2010
Puppy Love
It's well known fact I love animals, especially dogs. I have two crazy labradoodles that we often refer to as piggydoodles and/or kangadoodles due to their ability to scarf large quantities of food, snorting/snoring, and crazy jumping ability.

Last night we were watching The Marriage Ref (which is quite funny, mostly for the crazy people they put on the show) and there was couple with an adorable dog named Zeus. Apparently, the husband loved Zeus but Zeus terrorized everyone else in the family especially the wife. The "Ref" and the celebrity panel all sided with the wife that the husband needed to get rid of the dog.

Here is where I get all hot and bothered. The couple adopted this dog after they were married. It's not like the wife had no say in the matter. Dogs are not for everyone but if you decide to adopt one it's a commitment. You commit to taking care of this living creature for the span of it's life which for dogs can be anywhere from 10-20 years. Get some training for yourself and the dog, read a book, watch The Dog Whisperer, do anything but give in and take the dog to a shelter because most likely it's a death sentence.

So Zuess, I side with you! It's not your fault that you were adopted by a woman who didn't consider the full weight of her decision and is unwilling to do the work it takes to own a dog. Husband hold your ground!

Now that I have that off my chest (I really could go on for paragraphs and paragraphs) it's time for some gratuitous puppy pics!

The Dynamic Duo

Linus the lovable

Cisco: The "not so" gentle giant

One for the road. Seriously, how could you not love those faces? Never mind. Don't tell me. I won't like you anymore.

Blogger Unknown said...
I have to say I totally agree with you. In fact we almost got another dog b/c my brother was stupid and bought a condo with no backyard and he has a cocapoo. I was not going to let him be taken to a shelter luckily my parents are going to keep him. My brother has had him for less than a year :-(

Blogger Emily T said...
Did you notice at the end of the episode that the wife said that were not going to get rid of Zues that this was just about having her husband know what a BIG deal it was that Zues treated her that way. I thought that was cool. She get's that it's a commitment. Now she just needs to get them both into training.