Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Working (away) from home
I had a doctor's appointment near my parents' house this morning, so I'm working from there today, and it's so weird - I grew up here, but I'm so used to having my own stuff around. The last month or so at work has been insanely crazy-busy, and I could have worked from anywhere and not even noticed because I wouldn't even have had a chance to look up from my computer all day, but today? So freaking slow.

So... I'm bored. I left the dogs at home, since I had to go straight to the doctor's office this morning, and I didn't think to bring my sewing (oops). I went to Half-Price Books at lunch to get a book to read, but they didn't have either of the ones I was looking for, so I picked up a Stephen King that I'm not all that excited about.

So I'm spending my afternoon hunting down Doctor Who trailers... is anyone else as excited about April 17 as I am?

Blogger Emily T said...
Me! Me! I am I am. Dr. Who is WAY better than taxes.