Tuesday, April 27, 2010
General Obsession with General Hospital
Oh, General Hospital, how I love thee. ABC knows my weakness and exploits it daily. Laundry to do? Nah, let's watch GH. Dishes need to be done? Nah, let's watch GH. Blog to write? Kids to pick up? Dinner to make? Nah, Let's watch GH.

I've been watching this show since I was a tiny tot. I remember watching it when I was home from school sick. I remember the first time Jonathon Jackson was on the show as Lucky. I remember when Carly first came to Port Charles, when Micheal was born, when Lily died, when Robin got HIV. I miss Georgie. I want Dillon to come home. I want Laura to stay. I want Scott to disappear for good. I want Brenda back and to stay away from Jax.

Can you tell I'm obsessed with this show? I love that I don't have to arrange my schedule to watch it anymore. Between SoapNet and Hulu.com I can watch it anytime I want. All I need is our new DVR to be delivered to our new address. Then my life will be perfect.

Dante, you'd better be sweet to Lulu or her brothers are gonna beat you up.

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Blogger Mr. T said...
Is life perfect now like you expected now that you have your DVR?

Blogger Amanda and Paul said...
I did not know you were my fellow GH addict! I watch every episode
(on the DVR!) I even read the spoilers...www.soapzone.com is a good one. So is www.soapcentral.com. :)