Friday, April 2, 2010
A letter to Mr. Jobs
Dear Mr. Steve Jobs,

You are one sneaky little bastard. I have to admit I fell for it. The cool commercials with the indie music. The big fancy staged announcements about innovative new Mac products. I bought it all hook, line, and sinker.

I got an Iphone and it was my gateway drug to the Mac world. I loved it. I still do. Even though there are days when it drops calls constantly I am willing to forgive you for its email and ipod capabilities, and mobile access to facebook, words with friends, and bejeweled.

I figured if I loved this tiny little Mac device I would love an iMac equally as much. It's like an iphone on steroids. You had easy to use programs like itunes, iphoto, and imovie. Plus it was sleek and shiny like the sports car of computers. When I found out it would also run windows using VMWare I was sold. It seemed like a no brainer!

Well, here is the problem MR. JOBS I am typing this on my husbands homemade PC that is 6 years old because my shiny sports car computer doesn't work! My fancy iMac is slow like a Model T-and now it has decided not to work AT ALL.

I put all this time and energy into learning your OS and how to use your annoying mouse and THIS is what I get in return?


Ticked off in Texas!

PS-you were supposed to get a post complete with photos about the picnic tables I built for Emily's little girls. Instead you get this because I can't open any photos and Steve Jobs is a big fat marketing genius who sells crappy computers.
Blogger Bonnie said...
You can come use one of our, um... four Macs. (Yes, that's a ratio of 2:1 Macs:People.) That would be two that we use every day and two that just got a little too old but we can't bear to send them to iHeaven when they still work just fine. But they've never, ever died. I think you just don't love it enough. Maybe you should sing to it? Or give it a cookie? Maybe not a cookie... cookies are probably bad for computers. Read it a bedtime story?

Um, or take it to the nice kids at the Genius Bar... that's probably a more helpful suggestion. If you act like it's your most beloved possession and you can't bear the thought of losing it (um, not that I've done that), they might even take it and fix it right there and not charge you for it, if it's something small.

Blogger Jenny said...
Bonnie, my husband worked on it today and it seems as though all might be better. Cross your fingers!

Blogger Jenny said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

Blogger Kristen said...
Hmmmm, curious what the deleted comment was...

I just crossed over to the dark side and bought my first Mac in November. It was a hard switch for me, and to be honest, I hated the Mac for several months. I am now IN ABSOLUTE LOVE with it. I've even just gotten the hubby to buy his first Mac (only like 2 weeks ago)...and he's lovin' it. Not something I would have imagined...EVER!!!

I hope yours is back to working soon!

Blogger Unknown said...
Kristen-I was happy with it at first. I still like it but the intense love has faded.

As for the comment that was deleted I accidentally posted the same comment twice-because my Mac froze-and deleted the duplicate. All the controversy is over on Emily's facebook page.