Sunday, April 11, 2010
Son of a...
My mind has been on this Russian adoption situation this weekend. My heart just breaks for that little boy - can you even imagine, whatever acting out he was doing out of fear that he was going to be rejected and sent back to Russia, then having his worst fears confirmed?

Part of me wants to hear what this woman has to say - I want to know, really, how on earth she could justify abandoning her child like that; a child she worked so hard to be able to adopt, a child she promised to raise and be a mother to. I want to hear, from her own mouth, what she would do if it were her other, biological child who had done the things she said her adopted child had done.

Another part of me doesn't. I don't want this woman to get caught up in the American Publicity machine and become another Richard Heene attention-monster, weeping on Larry King Live about her angst and heartache. She doesn't deserve any more public attention than the mothers that I personally know who have dealt with very similar parenting situations and have managed to stick them out longer than six months - who have, in fact, stuck them out for the long haul, because they never once considered it an option to send their child "back," whether there was a "back" to send them to or not.

The mothers who stick it out, the mothers who say, "This is my child, whom I love, come hell or high water, and this child is my responsibility;" those mothers deserve the publicity. Those mothers deserve the attention and press.
Blogger Unknown said...
This pisses me off and honestly I cried when I first heard about it. This poor little boy. First of all he is an older child who was moved to a new country and had all of this change of course there were going to be issues, but you work through them. You don't give them back.

Before we got Madison diagnosis of sensory processing disorder she was extremely hard to handle and would cry all day almost every day but never, not once did I ever think I wish I never had her. Instead we perused all options to get the help we needed and now you can't even tell that she have had issues, I mean she still has bad days but what kid doesn't?

Now I am crying again. This mother, I don't even think we should call her that, should be punished. ARGH

Blogger Jenny said...
I hadn't heard the story until you wrote it. I googled it and read all the details. It makes me deeply sad and incredibly angry. I can not even fathom the thought process of someone who would return a child like he was a pair of ill fitting jeans from Old Navy. It's truly sickening.

Blogger Bonnie said...
Another friend and I were discussing it today, and talking about how the first heartbreaking thing about it is that she changed his name, right off the bat. She didn't just americanize it to something his teachers and family could pronounce, she completely changed it, took away his whole Russian identity. It's like she had this vision in her head of her perfect adopted child, with a name all picked out, and when he didn't live up to that vision, she sent him right back.

Blogger Kristen said...
How disgusting and sad. How can she even be allowed to do that?