Monday, April 5, 2010
My new hobby
So, as most of you who know who read the infamous imaginary duck post I have been working on a surprise for Emily's little girls (and I am a little crazy). Thanks to Anna at Knock Off Wood I built each girl their own picnic/craft table.

Emily sent me a link to Knock Off Wood a few months ago and I was in love! Ana has hacked Pottery Barn and all the other overpriced furniture retailers. The plans are easy to follow (if this girly girl can do it anyone can) and totally FREE.

I started with an end table which turned out fine but I am not in love with the stain. It turned out darker than I wanted. When we built the end table making the cuts was a pain because all we had was a circular saw. We did it but it took awhile because I am a perfectionist and making perfect straight cuts with a circular saw requires a lot of precision. I decided I needed a miter saw. A few days later when I arrived home from an evening out with the girls my husband surprised me with this bad boy!

Never in my life did I think I would own a compound sliding miter saw much less would I consider it a romantic gift. Life's funny that way.

Once I got my new toy I had to test it out so that is when I built the picnic tables for Caroline and Katie. It only took a Sunday afternoon to build them but it took 3 days to paint them. Did I mention I am a perfectionist?

So now I am going to build another end table, a coffee table, a bed, an entry bench, a storage system, and whatever else Ana posts that I fall in love with.

Girls with power tools is my kind of girl power! In case you wondering the Spice Girls is not my kind of girl power. Now, more gratuitous shots of the cool stuff I have built (so far) from Knock Off Wood. Thanks Ana!


Blogger Ana White said...
You are so funny! Love your miter saw, aw, how romantic! Nice work on your tables. I'm just as picky about my cuts, so I feel for you with the circular saw. Thanks for sharing! Blessings, Ana

Blogger Kristen said...
Wow. That saw is a BEAST! I wouldn't even know what to do with it, and though I don't know you very well, I don't think I would have pictured you using one...

All of the tables turned out really awesome!

Blogger Amanda and Paul said...
YOU my friend are a bad ass! Let's build the entry system....NOW! Please :)